FY 20
Our Mission
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.
Our Vision
A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

From our President & CEO:
As we close out this fiscal year, after just completing our 113th home in our community, we are reflecting on how truly blessed we are for supporters like YOU.
Like so many organizations, we faced many challenges this year, not least of all the state-wide shut down due to COVID-19. But we never lost sight of our mission: to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope. We remained strong as a team, keeping the health and safety of our volunteers and homeowners our top priority. Now more than ever, we believe nothing is more fundamental to a family’s well-being than safe and secure shelter.
A lot of good happened this past year as well. In October we came together to celebrate our 30-year milestone of building strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter in the Greater Matthews community. We expanded the focus of our services beyond new home construction to also include critical home repair. Best of all, we brought two families home.
Thank you to each of you who have volunteered, made a financial contribution, or shopped or donated in the ReStore. With your support, we will continue to empower families in communities through decent, affordable homeownership.
As we look to the future, we are excited to embark on the goals in our 3-year strategic plan. These goals are rooted in community values while providing the framework for sustainable, high-impact growth in the years to come. We hope you will continue to share our vision as a community – and a world – where everyone has a decent place to live.
With gratitude,
Natisha Rivera-Patrick
President & CEO
this fiscal year

you've made it possible for...

people to live in a new decent and affordable home.
families to be warmer, safer, and drier through
our Critical Home Repair program.

children to live in homes with improved air quality, proper sanitation, quiet areas to focus on their education, and outdoor space safe from neighborhood violence.
you helped Macky invest in the future...
“I know that with a Habitat house, we will have the chance to save money and get farther as a family. "

you were a part of our first
two-story home

you've spent...
hours volunteering on our build site, in the ReStore, or on a committee.

you gave Rana a place to jump!
When she was asked what she most looked forward to about her house, she knew her answer right away.
“I can’t wait to jump!”
when COVID-19 stopped everyone in their tracks.
Despite having to reduce our volunteer labor and temporarily close our ReStore, you remained committed to our work.
you built back...

in the ReStore ....
you made....
individual donations of your gently used appliances, furniture, housewares, and other items.
you gave....
volunteers hours helping
customers, unloading
donations, and keeping the ReStore in shape!
of usable material out of landfills through your ReStore donations.
you kept....
you broke....
for highest sales in a day on the first day we reopened from quarantine.

you supported the expansion of our new Critical Home Repair Program into Mint Hill and Stallings.

you gave Moulay the stability that only a home can bring
“Owning a home means to me and my family stabilization, means relaxation, less pressure, comfort, financially we can afford other things and invest in our kids’ futures.”

you've kept...
residents safe and
stable in their current
Greater Matthews
Habitat home.
of property taxes from our current homeowners in the local tax base.
you built Eliab a safe place to sleep
She had been asleep in bed with her mother when the stray bullet ricocheted into the living room of her family’s apartment. Luckily no one was hurt. Now she can go to bed each night knowing she is safe in her Habitat home.

you were part of...
in our community that supported affordable housing this year.
30 years of building strength, stability, and self-reliance in the Greater Matthews community.
you celebrated...